info@alphahighschools.comNorth York Campus : +1 (416) 661 4446 RichmondHill Campus : +1 (905) 237 8177

Quality Education Virtual School Registration Form

Student Information

Date of Birth(Required)
Home Address(Required)
Mailing Address

Signatures - " I am aware of the fact that there is no guarantee for high marks. I will earn what I deserve. "

Student’s Name
Parent/Guardian’s Name



Most courses do have prerequisites. You are required to submit a copy of your report card or transcripts that show you have earned a credit in the required prerequisite courses, before your registration can be complete with Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S. In addition, please provide an image of your valid passport or official government ID.


Regular attendance is key to student success. Students who do not attend/log on regularly and/or who do not actively participate in their courses seriously jeopardize their opportunities to learn and reach their potential.

Teachers will monitor attendance patterns for their respective students and will work with them, and their parents/guardians to support students in any way they can. If student attendance issues cannot be resolved, the administration will be informed and possible consequences may include: student and parental/guardian contact, attendance contracts, or even removal from the program.

Attendance for record keeping purposes will be based on the number of completed lessons. For example, if a course has 20 different lessons to complete and the student has completed 16 of these, the attendance register would indicate that the student was in attendance 80% of the 110 hours per credit course. This value will be scaled accordingly for the mid-semester report card.

Students who do not complete their courses within 6 months will be removed from the course and will not be reinstated unless there are extenuating circumstances that can be verified by appropriate documentation.

Course Drop Policy

24 hours after registration the tuition is NOT refundable.

School’s Code of Conduct

Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S will attempt to provide and maintain a safe and supportive educational environment in which learning can occur. Protection of a person’s dignity and self-esteem is crucial and not negotiable.

All members of the Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S community, which includes students, staff and parents, will treat each other with respect in all interactions. Any actions determined to jeopardize the moral tone of the learning community including disrespectful, distasteful, abusive, harassing comments made to any of our community members will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly by the Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S Principal. Consequences may include, counselling, parental involvement, suspension, expulsions and/ or the involvement of the authorities.

The school has Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism and Cheating


“Learning is enhanced when students think independently and honestly”. It is expected that students will demonstrate respect for the intellectual property rights of others and adhere to a code of honour in all course activities. Students must understand that the tests/exams they complete and the assignments they submit for evaluation must be their own work and that cheating and plagiarism will not be condoned.

Plagiarism is defined by Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S as

The use of ideas or thoughts of a person other than the writer, without proper acknowledgement;

The use of direct quotations or of material paraphrased and/or summarized by the writer;

The submission of an assignment that has been written in part or in whole by someone else as one’s own; and

The submission of material that has been obtained from a computerized source, with or without minor modifications, as one’s own.

Cheating is defined by Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S as

The buying and/or selling of assignments, or exam/test questions;

Submission of the same piece of work in more than one course without the permission of the teacher;

The preparation of an assignment by someone else other than the stated writer;

Allowing one’s assignment to be copied by someone else;

Providing another student your assignment;

The unauthorized giving or receiving of information or assistance during an examination or a test.


Academic dishonesty destroys the integrity of the program by diminishing the learning experience for the entire Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S community. Therefore, maintaining academic integrity is imperative. Whether intentional or through the ignorance of the policy, acts of academic dishonesty are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. These acts and the parties involved will receive a mark of zero for the
assignment. In addition, all students involved will be subject to additional consequences which will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. These consequences will reflect a continuum of behavioral and academic responses and consequences, based on at least the following four factors:
1. The grade level of the student,
2. The maturity of the student,
3. The number and frequency of incidents, and
4. The individual circumstances of the student.

Course evaluation will be divided into two parts:

70% is based on cumulative evidence of summative evaluations undertaken throughout the semester; 30% is based on final evaluations which will take place in the final third of the course. Final evaluations may or may not include an exam depending on individual course curriculum policy documents. At the beginning of the course, students will receive course outlines that will include detailed assessment and evaluation information, and that also outline the percentage breakdown for both the 70% and the 30%. All courses will be evaluated according to the following breakdown:

Term work: 70% [based on Knowledge and Understanding, thinking and Investigation, Communication and Application]

Final Summative 30% [based on Knowledge and Understanding, thinking and Investigation, Communication and Application]


Although each course will have the same breakdown, individual courses may have subject specific summative tasks that will be used to determine the student’s grade. Please refer to the course outline as it is presented in your courses for more details.

Examination Policies

Most courses require students to write a closed-book final exam at the end of each course. This online exam must be written in the presence of an approved proctor, who meets with a student to witness the final exam being written in the right procedures. The date, time, place, and proctor for a student’s final exam are selected by the student but must be approved by the Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S Administrator.

Students must complete and submit both the Proctor Approval Application and the Proctor Agreement form at least 5 business days prior to the intended final exam date. All courses assignment must be submitted before the exam. The selected Proctor must be approved by Alpha Quality Education Virtual H.S before their exam date can be finalized. Examinations must take place in a professional environment; they may not be held at a private residence. Acceptable proctors require a work email address and may be asked to produce a copy of their diploma or certificate of qualification or practicing license in order to validate an exam application.

Acceptable proctors include Ontario Certified Teacher, lawyer, registered family physician, registered nurse, government social worker, registered psychologist and professional registered counsellor. Relatives, supervisors without a professional email address and hired tutors will not be approved to proctor a student exam. The approved proctor is sent a password that is to be entered at the time of the exam allowing the student access. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.

To book a final exam, the proctor Approval Application form, and the Proctor Agreement form, please contact our exam administrator at